Stephen Michael Jenkins

Liberal Democrat Team Cray Valley West Learn more

by superadmin on 21 April, 2010

Cray Valley West Liberal Democrats Stephen Jenkins, Sam Webber and Mike Bignell have announced their plan for ending the Conservatives neglect of the Cray’s. The Liberal Democrat plan priorities for the next four years are:    

  Fair Taxes: We will keep the Council Tax down and ensure that unused money is returned to taxpayers rather than being banked by the borough;·        

A fairer Bromley for all ages: We will end Tory policies that have left adult social care in Bromley among the worst in England, and ensure that there is play equipment for all age groups in our parks;·        

 A cleaner, safer Bromley: We will ensure that all streets are kept clean, pursue and punish flytipping, and bring Environmental Health back under one department;·        

A thriving business community: We will work with community groups and voluntary agencies to breath life back into our high streets;·        

Decent transport for all: We will repair and resurface roads and fight to improve public transport to the borough.

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